Sunday, 12 September 2010

Recommended Reads

I have been workng with A B Gayle on joint entries to the Haven Falls website. I've been impressed by Gayle's skill as a writer and the commitment shown to quality in writing. Indeed it is as a result of these conversations with A B Gayle that I decided to start my 'annexe' blog, The Artisan Author (see previous post).

I'd like to recommend the following texts to you all:

'Caught', by A B Gayle, available from 22nd September from DreamSpinner Press.

'Mardi Gras', by A B Gayle, available now from Noble Romance Publishing

I'm not going to provide any spoilers here. Go take a look at A B Gayle's website and you'll find excerpts and other information about all this author's works. Gayle writes engaging, well-informed, contemporary, thought-provoking stories. I adored both of the above tales and look forward to reading more. Gayle also writes non-fiction and is a sensitive and proficient editor, as well as being a very interesting and eloquent raconteur and friend.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Katisha
    Thanks for the great rap.
    I really enjoy working with you at Haven Falls and am sure there's lots of good stuff in you still to come out. Writing wise I mean. Winks
