My rating: 4 of 5 stars
WARNING: Review contains Spoilers
I enjoyed this tale of Will and Davy, though I found it less engaging than previous tales in the series (I could actually put this book down, and it lasted me nearly a week rather than just a day like the others in this series), probably because it is mostly set on land and the lads are thus at slightly less peril in pursuing their relationship.
It has the feel of a detective novel rather than an historical romance, and whilst I enjoyed the unfolding of the plot I was never uncertain of whodunnit or why. It was satisfying to see the culprit get his comeuppance, though. The book left me on a down, though, because the love story of Will and Davy pretty much gets resolved / shelved at the end of it. I think I sensed that from the start, given both the title and the comments the author has made elsewhere, and that may be why it took me 4 months to get around to reading it. I have adored the characters, and though it's nice to see them get their happy ending, I'm terribly sad that it means I won't get to read about them again. I'll miss waiting for 'the next exciting episode'.
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