Friday, 31 December 2010

Book Review - Home is the Sailor by Lee Rowan

Home Is the SailorHome Is the Sailor by Lee Rowan

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

WARNING: Review contains Spoilers







I enjoyed this tale of Will and Davy, though I found it less engaging than previous tales in the series (I could actually put this book down, and it lasted me nearly a week rather than just a day like the others in this series), probably because it is mostly set on land and the lads are thus at slightly less peril in pursuing their relationship.

It has the feel of a detective novel rather than an historical romance, and whilst I enjoyed the unfolding of the plot I was never uncertain of whodunnit or why. It was satisfying to see the culprit get his comeuppance, though. The book left me on a down, though, because the love story of Will and Davy pretty much gets resolved / shelved at the end of it. I think I sensed that from the start, given both the title and the comments the author has made elsewhere, and that may be why it took me 4 months to get around to reading it. I have adored the characters, and though it's nice to see them get their happy ending, I'm terribly sad that it means I won't get to read about them again. I'll miss waiting for 'the next exciting episode'.

View all my reviews

Saturday, 18 December 2010

The Down Side of Christmas

I am very aware that Christmas brings with it a high rate of suicides. Please, if you are down over the holidays, don't choose this option. No matter what you are feeling right now, you are an important part of the universe and very much needed here.

I especially want to tell those who are low because of gender issues that you are very loved, no matter what you have heard or what treatment you have received from bigots or from those in your family who cannot see you for the beautiful person you really are. You deserve to live and to have the chance to find love and acceptance. Please don't take away that right from yourself.

If you are in Manchester you can start your search for help at the LGF in Manchester.

If you are LGBT and in need of help and are in London try here: 020 7837 7324 (daily 10am -11pm)

If you are in Wales the LGBT Cymru Helpline is 0800 840 28069

Or try here at the Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association.

I have Seasonally Affected Disorder, OCD Hoarding, Depression and Anxiety issues. I know how horrendously down this time of year can get people because I've been there myself. The black dog loves to come nipping at my heals at this time of the year, and I did ring the Samaritans on Boxing Day once.

In the UK dial 08457 90 90 90. In the Republic of Ireland dial 1850 60 90 90.

Or visit the Samaritans website for more info

If you are not in Britain, the Befrienders website tells of help available worldwide.

Stay safe and cling to hope. If you're alive something can always be done. Blessed Be.

Friday, 10 December 2010


I would like to direct my fellow authors to this excellent blog posting from D J Manly.

I am not terribly 'au fait' with the jargon writers use to define themselves. Recently I have started saying I write Romantica (Romantic Erotica), I write M/M Romance. I write smut. I write soft porn. I write not-so-soft porn. I write Romance, I write Love Stories. I write Science-Fiction. I write Fan Fiction. I write Historical Romance. I write Fantasy. I write Horror. I write Adventure Stories. I write Thrillers. I wish to hell I could write a good Police Procedural (Ed McBain is my hero). I WRITE. Don't care what your opinion is of the genres I write in, I just care about the quality, content and ethics of what I produce. I like to see the English language used well, correctly, expressively, thought-provokingly. I'm a spelling, grammar, punctuation and proof-reading hard-liner.

Just me off on a little rant, because I hate people who point at others and sneer in order to inflate their own egos. Grow up and get over yourselves, cos you aint all that honeys!

Thanks to D J Manly for voicing what quite a few authors have been thinking and feeling lately.

(First published by me on The Artisan Author.

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Projects Update

I'm back at my day job now, but it hasn't stopped me writing and formulating plans for new stories. This month I am Beta-ing and editing for my dear friend Jessie Blackwood, who has been working on finishing her next novel, the working title of which is 'Written Into His Heart'. We have also been writing background for our joint venture, a M/M romance with a sci-fi bent. I've been writing some Torchwood stuff (Alternate Universe)for personal amusement too, some of which may eventually turn up on my FanFiction page, which I must apologise for not updating for some time now.

I've also been reading tons, as you may have gathered. My top writers at the moment are (in no particular order) Lee Rowan, Cameron Dane and Syd McGinley. I'm also loving A.B.Gayle, Jessie Blackwood and the 'Bodyguards in Love' series by Carol Lynne.

My current 'Most Wanted' is Syd McGinley's 'Pink:Dolorosa' and my present read is a splendid non-fiction book, 'Mother Clap's Molly House: The Gay Subculture in England 1700-1830', by Rictor Norton. I also today, to my delight, picked up a second hand copy of 'Becoming a Man: Half a Life Story' by Paul Monette.

All of the books mentioned in this post are available from Amazon UK or direct from the publishers (DreamSpinner Press, Torquere Press, Cheyenne Publishing, Noble Romance Publishing, Loose Id, Silver Publishing).

Monday, 6 December 2010

Haven Falls Update

Those of you who have been reading the 'soap' which is the Haven Falls free read may have noticed that it's writers have been on a break for some time now. The blog owner, Remmy Duchene, has had a lot of stuff to deal with in the 'real' world and this has left the blog somewhat in limbo. Too, various contributors have either also had 'Life' or have been writing to deadlines for publication, or working on other 'paying gigs'.

Remmy has now posted the following message to readers:

>>>HAVEN FALLS IS CURRENTLY GOING THROUGH MAJOR UPDATES AND CHANGES. PLS VISIT US AGAIN IN THE NEW YEAR FOR MORE! lt;<.. After much deliberation, I've decided to start Haven Falls over. The new and improved Haven Falls will be unveiled in the new year. Please check back then.

I have decided to take down my stories for now, until it's clearer how the site will be moving forward. I do, though, feel that the Haven Falls Project is a terrific idea and I hope to contribute further in the new year, either with my existing characters or with someone new for you to grow fond of. I wish Remmy and the other HF writers all the best for Xmas and the New Year. Will see you all, readers of HF included, soon, all being well.

Thursday, 2 December 2010

More of the fabulous Syd McGinley

Dr. Fell Volume II: FoundDr. Fell Volume II: Found by Syd McGinley

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am now a huge fan of Syd McGinley's work. This second volume of the collected Dr. Fell stories is fabulously true to 'Lifestyle' (BDSM) and to 'power exchange' relationships (D/s)- not the BS the 'in crowd' would like you to believe, but the honest 24/7 stuff. Dr.Fell, whilst being a Dominant, is also human. He lives, loves, loses, finds, cocks-up, makes up; in short he is realistic and believable.

Please have a read, especially if you want to understand BDSM or D/s. This is an accurate reportage as well as a damn fine series of novels. Start with Volume 1 though if you haven't already read it.

View all my reviews

Terrific M/M BDSM read by Syd McGinley

The Complete Dr. Fell Volume I: LostThe Complete Dr. Fell Volume I: Lost by Syd McGinley

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I love this book! I read one heck of a lot of M/M stuff and this stands out in the crowd. It provides an accurate, realistic portrayal of 'power exchange' relationships (D/s) and the meaning they have for those involved. I like Dr. Fell because he's human, flawed, trying his best to deal with grief and has friends around him who are both true and loving.

This isn't an instant gratification novel(though there is plenty of sex to keep it floating if that's your interest). It's a biography for a fictional character, and at times it feels more like a collection of short stories assembled in chronological order. (If you have bought any of the short stories as e-books previously you will find that they repeat here, but the book is a great read and can be had in paperback format - I adore owning REAL books!).

If you liked this then you will definitely love the next, 'Dr.Fell Volume Two: Found'. Trying myself to acquire 'Pink: Dolorosa' presently but struggling to locate a copy. Thank you Syd for a terrific set of believable characters and a down to earth setting that works so well.

View all my reviews