Saturday, 30 October 2010

Truth in the Dark

It's a pity this post will push the picture of GDL off the front of the blog, but I feel the need to share a book I am reading. It is 'Truth in the Dark' by Amy Lane, published by DreamSpinner Press.

It's also available from Amazon as a Kindle product. (You don't have to own a Kindle to access Kindle books, they offer a free download of the required software for PCs).

Here's my favourite excerpt so far (the character is a wood carver):

I was terrified of my weakness, of my sharp tongue, of my every flaw. I was terrified that this moment, my chance to live in happiness for however short a time we may have had,would be ruined because I was simply not carved out of the same wood as happiness, and that my grain was too twisted to ever take its form.

I think that's one of the most beautiful passages I ever read in a M/M Romance. The story is very captivating, especially if you like to wonder what will happen next and you enjoy the 'fairy tale' genre. Get it, read it, love it!

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Much as I adore Gareth David-Lloyd, the man's choice of underwear could be improved. Quite why he had dropped his pants at a convention I am unsure, though doubtless naughty fangirls provoked the move. Good on you, girls! Beautiful legs, Gareth. I so envy GDL's lady!

Why am I publishing this pic here? Well, first I haven't seen it before. Secondly, we writers need our muses, our inspirations, and Gareth David-lloyd is one of my favourites. Where do I get my ideas? From pictures like this and men like GDL.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

On the Subject of Sex, (Wales and Anarchy)


This is Blue Gillespie, fronted by Gareth David-Lloyd (the talented actor, singer and songwriter who played Ianto Jones in Torchwood). This is my favourite BG song, and I have the joyful memory of Gareth singing it at the gig at Manchester's Ruby Lounge (affectionately referred to as 'the tit gig'), where the delightful man was wearing less...

This performance was at Sex Wales and Anarchy (1), apparently, which is an annual event Gareth devised to promote unsigned talent in Wales. The song is called Bam Bam.

Buy Blue Gillespie stuff off Amazon UK and see them on You Tube, My Space, Twitter and Facebook and on their own website.

Friday, 8 October 2010

Harvey - Tribute to a Pookah

This is a still from my most favourite film ever, the wonderful 'Harvey', starring James Stewart and the pookah Harvey, white rabbit extraordinaire.

Thanks to swbsam at PelicanParts for the image.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

More images for Lyle

These are two further images I associate with Lyle Ashley Tate, my character for Haven Falls.

I've picked these images up via Kei Chan's Facebook albums, so if you own them and would prefer if I took them down please let me know.
