Monday, 26 July 2010

Haven Falls Developments

A follow up to the last posting has gone up at Haven Falls. Lots of hints this time about who and what Lyle is, so if you are curious about him you will want to read this latest post (Number 94).

Speaking of Haven Falls, Andrea Speed, Jessie Blackwood and I have a shared new character on the books. Remmy Duchene, the GM for the HF online roleplay game, greed we could write him together and accepted the character concept before the embargo on any further new characters went into effect. He is called Griffin Davies. Not surprisingly, he is Welsh. We'll be introducing him shortly.

Haven Falls has a very varied population actually, reflecting the international nature of the authors involved. We have a fair few American writers, of course, but Brits and Australians also feature strongly. Follow the link on the blogroll to check it out.

Sunday, 25 July 2010

'Per Ardua' released 13th August

My best friend and co-author, Jessie Blackwood, has her first novel coming out on August 13th 2010. It's a M/M Romance set in World War 2. The heroes are a wounded airman and his manservant.

I know Jessie has at least three other books in the pipeline at the moment. One of these I have already mentioned, working title 'Shunted', which we are co-writing. Another is a sequel for 'Per Ardua'. The third is a modern-day M/M Romance. Plus, she is currently also participating in Haven Falls. Her work also includes fanfiction, so go check her out at the FanFiction website too.

Jessie's book will be available from DreamSpinner Press in both paperback and e-book format from 13th August.

More Haven Falls news

The date has rolled over at Haven Falls, and my character is getting properly stuck in to his new job as an assistant mortician when he witnesses a bit of a to-do between his boss, Henry Vale, and someone else he recently met at a party...

The plot-lines at HF are terrific, and things are really starting to rock for certain characters. Go have a read. Check out Flynn Archer, Asher Rose and Carter Gillespie for a start. And I will modestly direct you to my own character too, Lyle Ashley Tate. If you click on a tag it will bring up all the entries for the person concerned. They'll be in reverse order chronologically though, so read them from bottom up if you are easily confused !

Saturday, 24 July 2010

Ongoing projects - Update July 2010

I'm still participating in the wonderfully good fun RPG of Haven Falls. I'm also elbow-deep in a new writing project, with Jessie Blackwood as my co-author. the project's rough working title is 'Shunted'. It's a M/M Romance in the science fiction genre. It's shaping up nicely, though it looks like it's going to be a LONG story!

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

So many projects, so little brain

Okay, so the Whitby story is on hold whilst I do research to back it up. Other stuff I'm doing at present...

Doing the preparatory work for co-authoring a sci-fi / romance with my bestest friend Jessie Blackwood.

Squeeing over the fact that Jessie is about to have her first novel published by DreamSpinner Press.

Trying to get my head around the mechanics of 'Haven Falls' so that I can play. Looks like a very exciting and interesting project. Check it out at

Wishing I was better at writing sex scenes. Practising this. (Oh I so love to practise this!).

Getting my head around TG stuff as part of research for writing a new character.

Working on my US english so that I remember to write 'trash can' rather than 'dustbin' and 'sidewalk' instead of 'pavement' when I am writing a US-based story.

Reading lots of m/m romance and quite a bit of non-fiction stuff about gender issues, being bi-sexual, counselling, writing and other topics of interest in my real life.

So, still writing, just spreading myself a bit thin if I want to actually finish anything right now...